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Tax Collection


Tax payments can be mailed OR dropped in the secure mail slot by the Town Hall door.

Your payment should include:

  • Check, Cashier’s Check or Money Order  (NO CASH)                                            

  • Tax ticket of the portion you wish to pay.

      ***New - You will see there are 3 payment tickets. Make sure to include the correct one.

  • Self-addressed stamped envelope or an email address to have the receipt sent to you.

      ***New – You no longer need to send either if you have access to the internet. Visit the Manitowoc County            Treasurer’s Real Estate Search website to see live updates to see when your tax payment was received and              applied. 




FIRST or FULL payment should be made payable and mailed to:  

Town of Manitowoc Rapids

PO Box 123

Manitowoc, WI 54221-0123


Second/July Payment is mailed directly to the Manitowoc County Treasurer.



For further tax payment information contact the Town Treasurer or refer to the Tax information sheet enclosed with your tax bill.


For anyone who pays their taxes in December and should receive a refund, the refund checks will be mailed out the 1st weekend in January.


For anyone who pays their taxes in January and should receive a refund, the refund checks will be mailed out the 1st weekend in February.


**For Insurance stipulations, no taxes will be collected in person at the treasurer's home.

Postponed Real Estate Taxes:
Only real estate taxes may be postponed. Full payment, or First Installment of total real estate tax must be paid. The balance will be due to the Manitowoc County Treasurer on or before July 31st of each year.

Personal Property Tax:
Personal Property Tax must be paid in FULL by January 31st of each year, or they will be considered delinquent and interest will be charged. However, improvements on leased land assessed as personal property are eligible for installment payments.

Special Assessments:
Special Assessments cannot be postponed. These must be PAID IN FULL by January 31st of each year. Or your real estate taxed will be considered delinquent.

A special charge of $10 will be assessed to all owners of septic systems in Manitowoc County. This charge is used to maintain the Manitowoc County Maintenance Program for private onsite wastewater treatment systems. If you feel you have been incorrectly charged on your tax bill or you have any other questions concerning this program please call the Manitowoc County Planning and Park Commission at 920-683-4185.


Assessment information is available from:

Town Assessor - Tennessen Appraisals LLC (920) 423-3502 or

Manitowoc County Treasurer Property Listing Office (920) 683-4019 

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